The ANCILE uPerform Express application is a content development and delivery tool designed to enable authors to create documents, simulations, and eLearning courses. The uPerform Express recording functionality allows authors to capture screens, buttons, fields, and other data as the author completes a task. Via one automated recording session, uPerform Express creates a dual-function, single-source document that is both a step-by-step procedural document and an interactive simulation.
Authors can produce a variety of document output types and simulation playback modes. Published content can support classroom training, performance support websites, and Context-Sensitive Help. HTML output is particularly well-suited to provide Context-Sensitive Help, and simulations of the target application and actual scenarios are a useful component of realistic training programs.
In addition to recording, authors can use the re-recording functionality to automatically repeat the steps made during an initial recording in a supported SAP environment. Re-recording makes modifications to the original recording by substituting author-provided values and translations for the original content and can be repeated for all application-supported languages.
Authors can also rapidly produce eLearning courses. Courses can be published to a performance support website or to a Learning Management System (LMS). The LMS delivery method is well-suited for standardizing and delivering training courses for business-specific processes.
In order to deliver published content to end users, there is functionality that allows for easy creation and management of a performance support website.