When you save your work, the content is saved on your local hard drive. The save location is specified when you first record or create the content. The Editor notifies you of progress, success, and failure in the status bar.
The Editor automatically saves your work every 2 minutes. If the Editor is closed without saving, the last auto-saved copy of your work can be recovered. Refer to the Specifying Auto Save Settings section for additional information.
Saving Your Work
- Create or open content.
- Select .
It is good practice to save your file before switching between views.
Using Save As
The Save As functionality is specifically designed to enable you to create a copy of the file or assign a new ID to the file.
Using Save As to Create a Duplicate of Content
- Create or open content.
- Select .
- Click No to create a copy.
- Enter a name in the File name field.
Avoid the use of special characters when naming your content.
- Click Save.
The duplicate will display in the Editor.
Using Save As to Assign a New ID to Content
- Create or open content.
- Select File > Save As....
- Click Yes to assign a new ID.
- Enter a name in the File name field.
Avoid the use of special characters when naming your content.
- Click Save.
The file with the new ID is displayed in the Editor.