Short Text
Table of calendar events used in the notification system that provides the ability to schedule notes based upon a time element (daily, weekly, and monthly). Maintained by the Help Launchpad utility (/n/RWD/ZF0).
csh Debug Table
Table used to store captured information from a single user's use of context-sensitive help or notes from the Notification system (optional). Input controlled by the Help Launchpad utility (/n/RWD/ZF0).
Context Sensitive Help Global
Table of general Help Launchpad options which control the overall behavior of custom help and alert/notification system (optional). Input controlled by the Help Launchpad utility (/n/RWD/ZF0).
Context Sensitive Help Transaction Table
Primary table for the transactions and their associated documents. Contains transaction tcode, program, dynpro number, last user who updated the record, date and time. Maintained by the Help Launchpad utility (/n/RWD/ZF0).
Context Sensitive Help Server Table
Primary table for the server or locations of the custom help. Multiple servers (multiple repositories) for the custom help (documents) are possible. Additional attributes are defined for these servers: (a) location of the visual basic application (b) description of the server (c) choice of help launching method (d) custom messages activate (e) notifications allowed/not al- lowed (f) statistics capture activated/not activated (g) user sent to a URL if no help is available (h) alerts allowed/not allowed and others. Maintained by the Help Launchpad utility (/n/RWD/ZF0).
Context Sensitive Help Server Messages
Table of custom messages that can be used to supersede the standard 22 messages that are contained within the /RWD/ZCSH message class. The administrator can choose to create a more "meaningful" message to inform the user of situations (like no custom help available) in his/her use of Help Launchpad. Messages can be global or server specific. They can also be set up to recognize the user's logon language. Maintained by the Help Launchpad utility (/n/RWD/ZF0)
Notes System
Central repository of Notes and Alerts used in the optional Notification system. The Note (Alert) contains a pointer to the actual message to be displayed, along with a date/timestamp, distribution, calendar, and retention information. Both Note and Alert information and behavior are controlled by information supplied through the Help Launchpad utility (/n/ RWD/ZF0).
Notes Distribution
Notification/Alert distribution attribute table containing the name of the distribution list and information for its creation. Based on information from the USR02 and USR03 tables. Used by the Alert/No- tification system. Updated by the Help Launchpad utility (/n/RWD/ZF0), specifically within the server setup section using the Utility Distribution List Utl . (/RWD/ZF5).
Notification System
Central repository of Alerts and Auto Notifications used in the optional Notification system. The Note (Alert) contains a pointer to the actual message to be displayed, along with a date/timestamp, distribution, calendar, retention information, and a navigational TCODE. This method of notification is activated by adjusting the SAP program (Navigation_Object_Execute_Help). The Alert information and behavior are controlled by information supplied through the Help Launchpad utility (/n/RWD/ZF0).
Notes Distribution LIST
Table containing support entries for the above distribution list. Used by the Alert/Notification system and containing user names and their associated list name. Updated by the Help Launchpad utility (/n/RWD/ZF0), specifically within the server setup section using the Utility - Distribution List Utl (/RWD/ZF5).
Notes System
Central repository of specialized Logon Alerts used in the optional Notification system. The Note (Alert) contains a pointer to the actual message to be displayed, along with a date/timestamp, distribution, calendar, retention information, and a navigational TCODE. This method of notification is activated by adjusting a standard SAP user exit. The Alert information and behavior are controlled by information supplied through the Help Launchpad utility (/n/RWD/ZF0).
Notification System Links
Table storing URL links for those logon Alerts, Alerts, Auto Notifications, and Custom messages. Accessed by the /n/ RWD/ZF0 utility.
Notes Limit Table
Table containing information regarding which users have received an Alert, Logon Alert, or a Note. Table is related to the /RWD/Notes table via the date/time stamp in both tables. Contents of the table can be viewed through the /n/RWD/ZF0 utility.
Context Sensitive Help Server Options
Table of ASP-like configurable options that can be assigned to a help server through the utility (/n/RWD/ZF0). These options like, ?LANG = SP, can be activated to work with an ASP server to send specific information to a user.
Context Sensitive Help Storage Table
Table of optional information containing screen names, numbers, titles, field definitions, etc. Used by the help documentation authors to identify specific screen information used to create screen level help (as opposed to transaction level help). Table receives its information by the author's storing the information through specialized "screen info" servers. Table information is retrieved or cleared by using the Help Launchpad utility (/n/RWD/ZF0).
Server Class
Table of servers and assigned SAP classes. Used when the Help Launchpad system is set to "monitor by class" option on the main panel of the utility. This allows the administrator to control access to "help" by user class which is established in the USR02 table. Input to this table is through the utility, specifically Utility Server Class transaction /RWD/ZF11.
Context Sensitive Help Special Characters
Table that contains special characters that can be used with uPerform to send alternate values. For example, a space could be transformed into %20. Accessed by the Utility (/n/RWD/ZF0). References in the launching help in uPerform.
Context Sensitive Help Statistics Table
Table that collects (if activated) information on user, server, transaction, date, and time requested help. Inputs into the statistics/graph utility under the main Utility (/n/RWD/ZF0).
Context Sensitive Help Sub Server Table
Table containing URL information related to specific servers. The information contained can be used to set up sub-help menu servers (optional) in which the complete list of servers could be placed on individual sub-menu lines of the SAP help menu. Input controlled by the Help Launchpad utility (/n/RWD/ZF0).
uPerform User Search Parameter
Table of user search parameters. Input from /rwd/saplzcsh screen 4000 user search saving their input values. Only one saved per user.
Table of variable drop-down list items used in selecting options in a uPerform search. Input from /rwd/csh_configuration_utility in /n/RWD/ZF0. Automatically creates entries when a search server is created.
uPerform Search Server
Table containing specific information for the uPerform search server like its server location, window size, etc. Input controlled by the Help Launchpad utility (/n/RWD/ZF0). Output to uPerform search (optional).
Context Sensitive Help Server Class Language View
A subset of elements from the /RWD/LSVR2PSVR (sever) table used to display a selection of servers to the user based upon language. Used when the "Monitor Language" option is selected on the main screen of the utility.
CSH view of Help Info for Download/ Upload
A subset of elements from the /RWD/HELPINFO table used to create an organized display of elements from the trans- action table that would allow them to be downloaded to the administrator's desktop and subsequently uploaded into another SAP Help Launchpad system.
Context Sensitive Help Calendar Structure
A selection of elements from the /RWD/Calendar used to provide a list of available calendar items that have been created. Used by the administrator to assign a calendar control to an alert.
Context Sensitive Help Structure
A selection of elements from the /RWD/LSVR2PSVR table used to provide a list of available servers and their description from which a user could select. Input into the Help Setup menu item. Content controlled ultimately by the Help Launchpad utility (/n/RWD/ZF0).
Context Sensitive Help Language Fields
A selection of elements from the /RWD/LSVR2PSVR table used to provide a list of available servers and their associated language to the user. Used when the administrator has activated the "monitor by language" option on the main Help Launchpad screen.
Context Sensitive Help Structure
A selection of elements from the SAP table (RSMPTEXTS - read only) that provides menu function codes and associated texts. Used in the /RWD/ CSH_SUBMENU_UTILITY subset of the main Help Launchpad utility to create sub-menu items if using the sub-menu method of displaying help servers.
Context Sensitive Help MSG Structure - v 6.0
A selection of table elements from the /RWD/LSVR2PSVR table used to display a list of servers and the associated language. Used when the administrator has activated the "monitor by language" option on the main Help Launchpad screen. Content controlled ultimately by the Help Launchpad utility (/n/RWD/ZF0).
Context Sensitive Help MSG Structure - v 6.0
A selection of elements from the SAP MSG class, /RWD/ZCSH, used to present the messages to the administrator. The administrator can then create user friendly messages through the utility /RWD/ CSH_MESSAGE_DATA. Inputs a selection of messages into the stated program.
Notification System
A selection of elements from the /RWD/Notesmsg table used to display a list of currently available messages in that table. Accessed through the /n/RWD/ZF0 utility.
Context Sensitive Help Calendar ID
Data Elements
The elementary data type used to provide the calendar id for the Alert/Notification system (optional). It is the primary key in the /RWD/calendar table and is used in a number of /RWD/ tables, search helps, and programs.
Notes Distribution ID
Data Elements
The elementary data type used to provide the note id for the Alert/Notification system (optional). It is the primary key in the/RWD/NOTES table and is used in a number of /RWD/ tables, search helps, and programs.
Context Sensitive Help Language Data Element
Data Elements
The elementary data type used to provide the language id for the Help Launchpad system. The language id provides the user with an alternate method of using help based upon language. This optional feature is controlled by the main panel of the Help Launchpad utility. To use this feature the servers must be assigned a language. This data element is used in a number of /RWD/ tables, search helps, and programs to facilitate searches and data definitions.
Context Sensitive Help Language Reference Data Element
Data Elements
The elementary data type used to provide the language id for the Help Launchpad system. The language id provides the user with an alternate method of using help based upon language. This optional feature is controlled by the main panel of the Help Launchpad utility. To use this feature, the servers must be assigned a language. The data element is used in a number of /RWD/ tables, search helps, and programs to facilitate searches and data definitions.
Notes Msg Data Ele- ment
Data Elements
The elementary data type used throughout the Alert/Notification system to provide the name of the Message being processed by the user. It is the primary key in the /RWD/NOTES table and is used in a number of /RWD/ tables, search helps, and programs.
Listbox Data Element
Data Elements
Listbox ID used in creating the listbox table and search help.
uPerform Server ID Data Element
Data Elements
RWD uPerform server ID used in creating a uPerform server.
Context Sensitive Help Domain
The principle repository for Help Launchpad that describes the attributes of the help servers used in Help Launchpad, displayed in a selection format.
Notes Distribution PID
A repository object for the Alert system that identifies the message ID used in an Alert that may be sent to user.
Context Sensitive Help Language Domain
A repository object that provides the language input for defining/retrieving servers based upon a user's logon or preferred help language.
Context Sensitive Calendar Domain
A repository object for the Alert notification system that identifies the calendar ID used in an Alert that may be sent to a user.
Context Sensitive Help Display of Available Languages
Search Help
A repository object that provides a display of system-available languages used in the Help Launchpad utility.
Context Sensitive Help Language Search Help
Search Help
A repository object that provides a display of the help servers with their descriptions in the Help Launchpad utility. Input from the /RWD/LSVR2PSVR table.
Search help for logon notes
Search Help
A repository object that provides a display of the logon alert notes with their associated language. Input from the /RWD/Notes table.
Context Sensitive Help Search Help
Search Help
A repository object that provides the input fields for the /RWD/SAPLZCSH 0500 dynpro. Used when the "Monitor Class" option is selected by the administrator. Provides the user a selection of servers based upon class if so defined in the USR02 table. Input from the /RWD/ LSVR2PSVR2 table.
Context Sensitive Help Search Help
Search Help
A repository object that provides the input fields for the /RWD/SAPLZCSH 0600 dynpro. Used when the "Monitor Class and Language" options are selected by the administrator. Provides the user a selection of servers based upon their class if so defined in the USR02 table and language. Input from the /RWD/LSVR2PSVR2 table.
Context Sensitive Help Display Function Codes
Search Help
A repository object used to display internal function codes that start with ZCH0 through ZCH9 that are typically assigned to the Custom Help menu items. It provides the administrator (through the Help Launchpad utility) the ability to assign servers to sub-menu items. Input from table RSMPTEXTS - read only.
Context Sensitive Help Search Help
Search Help
A repository object that provides the input fields for the /RWD/SAPLZCSH 0400 dynpro. Used when the "Monitor Language" option is selected by the administrator. Provides the user a selection of servers based upon language. Input from the /RWD/LSVR2PSVR2 table.
Context Sensitive Help Server MSG Search Help
Search Help
A repository object that provides a display of just the /RWD/ZCSH messages. Allows the administrator the ability to select a message to create an alternate, more meaningful, message through the Custom Message function of the Help Launchpad utility.
Note Search Help
Search Help
A repository object that provides a display of the Alert/Auto notification messages. Using the /n/RWD/ZF0 utility, the administrator can select the appropriate message for the list of Alerts, Auto Notifications, or Logon Alerts.
Context Sensitive Help Search Help
Search Help
A repository object that provides the input fields for the /RWD/SAPLZCSH 0100 dynpro. Primary server display when the user is selecting a server from the Custom Help Setup menu option. Input from the / RWD/LSVR2PSVR2 table.
Listbox Search Help
Search Help
Search help used to extract drop-down list items from /rwd/ulist table.
uPerform Search Help
Search Help
A repository object that provides the input fields for the /RWD/SAPLZCSH 0100 dynpro. Primary server display when the user is selecting a server from the Custom Help Setup menu option. Input from the /RWD/LSVR2PSVR2 table.
Active X
A report type program that will allow an Info Pak administrator to build an ActiveX web page used to launch help. Currently not integrated with the /n/RWD/ ZF0 utility.
Alert Messages
A report type program triggered by /RWD/ZF22 transaction that is used within the main utility. Input/ output to the /RWD/Notemsg table for alert messages. Allows the administrator to create the Alert message content and some of its behavior (link, stop button, and icon used).
Technologies - Alert Batch
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF18 transaction that is used within the main utility. Input/output to the /RWD/Notes table. Allows the administrator to upload or download the alert messages from or to a text file.
Alerts Default
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF24 transaction that is used within the main utility. Navigational dialog from main utility to dialogs supporting the maintenance of Alerts. Administrator can create, delete, upload, and backup one or all of the Alerts used in the Alert/Notification system.
Logon Messages
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF32 transaction that is used within the main utility. Input/output to the /RWD/NOTES_LOGON table. Allows the administrator to create the LOGON message content and specify some of its behavior (link, stop button, transaction, and icon used).
Alert Maintenance
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF23 transaction that is used within the main utility. Input/ output to the /RWD/Notes table. Allows the administrator to create the actual alert message for a given transaction. Administrator can specify the message id, calendar id, distribution id, number of messages to send, length of time, and help server (all, one, or everyone). Administrator can also view and maintain who received a given Alert.
Auto Notification Batch Utilities
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF25 transaction that is used within the main utility. Input/ output to the /RWD/Notes table. Allows the administrator to upload or download all Auto Notification messages from or to a text file.
Auto Notification Defaults
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF27 transaction that is used within the main utility. Navigational dialog from main utility to dialogs supporting the Auto Notification system (optional). Administrator can create, delete, upload, and back- up one or all of the auto notification messages.
Auto Notification Message
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF18 transaction that is used within the main utility. Input to the /RWD/Notes table to build a custom notification message. This message is displayed to the user (optional) when the help/transaction logic has changed.
Help Launchpad - Batch Upload
Batch (background) job that the administrator can submit to run periodically to upload help transactions generated by the Web Architect tool from the dataset fp_upload.txt. The upload text can be located on an HTTP server. This background job can also create auto notifications if that option is selected.
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF5 transaction that is used within the main utility. Input/ output to /RWD/Calendar table. Allows the administrator to build daily, weekly, or monthly periodic alert events.
Context Sensitive Help Server Options
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF17 transaction that is used within the main utility. Input/Output to the /RWD/LSVR2PSVR table. Allows administrator to upload or download the help servers from or to a text file.
Context Sensitive Help Server Options
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF2 transaction that is used within the main utility. Navigational dialog from main utility to dialogs supporting the maintenance of the help servers. Administrator can create, delete, upload, and back-up one or all of the help servers used in the custom help system.
Context Sensitive Help Server Options
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF8 transaction that is used within the main utility. Input/Output to the /RWD/LSVR2PSVR2 table. Main help server definition tool. Used by the administrator to create, update, and delete the help server.
Distribution List
A report type program triggered by /RWD/ZF6 transaction that is used within the main utility. Input/output to the /RWD/Distribution table. Allows the administrator to create distribution lists for Alerts.
F1 Help Definition Management Tool
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF15 transaction that is used within the main utility. Navigational dialog from main utility to dialogs supporting the maintenance of help transactions. Administrator can create, delete, upload, and backup one or all of the transactions used in the custom help system.
Help Launchpad - Message Utility
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF10 transaction that is used within the main utility. Input/output to the /RWD/Message table. Al- lows the administrator to upload or download the custom messages from or to a text file.
Logon Alert Defaults
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF33 transaction that is used within the main utility. Navigational dialog from main utility to dialogs supporting the maintenance of Logon Alerts. Administrator can create, delete, upload, and back-up one or all of the Logon Alerts used in the Alert / Notification system.
Logon Message
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF34 transaction that is used within the main utility. Input to the /RWD/Notes table to build a custom Logon notification message. This message is displayed to the user (optional) when the user logs onto the system.
Help Launchpad - Message Table
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF19 transaction that is used within the main utility. Input/output to the /RWD/Message table. Allows the administrator to upload or download the custom messages from or to a text file.
Alert Notification Message Conversion
A report type program not incorporated into the /n/RWD/ZF0 utility. Used to convert existing Alerts and Notifications to the newer format. Triggered by transaction ZF99.
Auto Notification Utility
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF26 transaction that is used within the main utility. Input/output to the /RWD/Notes table. Allows the administrator to create the actual Auto Notification for a given transaction. Administrator can specify the transaction, number of messages to send, length of time and which help server. Administrator can also view and maintain who received a given Auto Notification.
Help Launchpad Screen Information Table
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF7 transaction that is used within the main utility. Input/output to the /RWD/Parameters table which contains screen-related information used by help authors. Utility allows administrator to review, backup, or clear this table.
Server Assign Batch
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF28 transaction that is used within the main utility. Input/ output to only the /RWD/ZCH PID of the USR05 table. Used by administrator (optional) to assign or delete the help server to a group of users via a text file. The administrator should note that if there is only one help server the users are automatically assigned this value. Also, the administrator can designate a default server from a list of servers for the first-time users of custom help to receive.
Help Launchpad Server Assignment Utility
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF29 transaction that is used within the main utility. Input/output to only the /RWD/ZCH PID of the USR05 table. Used by administrator (optional) to assign or delete the help server to a group of users through an online process.
Help Launchpad Server Assignment Individual
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF30 transaction that is used within the main utility. Input/output to only the /RWD/ZCH PID of the USR05 table. Used by administrator (optional) to assign or delete a help server to a single user.
Server-Class Maintenance
A report type program triggered by the /RWD/ZF11 transaction that is used within the main utility. This program allows the administrator to define a help server to a "class" of users within SAP. This optional feature is activated by selecting the "monitor help by class" option on the main utility page. Output to the /RWD/ SERVER_CLSS table.
Help Launchpad - Statistics Table
Report-type program used to extract information from the /RWD/Statistics table to (1) create an online graph of Help Launchpad information or (2) download an Excel ready-to-chart file of similar information. Controlled by administrator activity in the Help Launchpad utility.
Help Launchpad - Statistics Table
Report-type program used to review information from the /RWD/Statistics table. Administrator can download this information to a text file, clear out the table, or move to another report program that will graph the information. Controlled by administrator activity in the Help Launchpad utility.
Submenu Utility
Component report-type program of main program /RWD/Frontend. Triggered by transaction ZF13. Input/Output to table /RWD/SUB_SERVER. Allows the administrator to setup up the help servers as (optional) sub-menu items on the SAP help menu.
Upload Utility
Component report-type program of main program /RWD/Frontend. Triggered by transaction ZF15. Navigational dialog from main utility to dialogs supporting the maintenance of help transactions. Administrator can create, delete, upload, and backup one or all of the transactions used in the custom help system.
Help Launchpad - Transaction Table Utility
Component report-type program of main program /RWD/Frontend. Triggered by transaction /RWD/ZF16 Utility HelpInfo Upload online. Provides online access to a single transaction code in the /RWD/Helpinfo table.
URL Setup
Component report-type program of main program /RWD/Frontend. Triggered by transaction /RWD/ZF31.Input/Output to Context Sensitive Help Sub Server Table. Provides URLs for services like routing users to a location rather than displaying "No Help Available" message when they click on an available link.
Main utility report-type program. Input from the /RWD/GLOBAL table. Output to the /RWD/GLOBAL table. Provides the ability to change Help Launchpad options as well as navigate to other utility programs to create/change options.
Release Settings
Component report-type program of main program /RWD/Frontend. Triggered by transaction /RWD/ZF20. Input/Output to the /RWD/ Global table. Provides the ability to call specific function modules related to the release of SAP the customer has installed. Also contains information related to the transport of the Help Launchpad system and the Gui Platform and Windows platform the user (Administrator) is on.
Batch Logon Utility
Component report-type program of main program /RWD/Frontend. Triggered by transaction /RWD/ZF35. Input/Output to the /RWD/ Notes and Notes Limit table. Provides the administrator the ability to upload/download logon notes.
CSH User Command Utility
Component report-type program of main program /RWD/Frontend. Triggered by transaction /RWD/ZF36. Input/output to the /rwd/notelinks table where the administrator can set a mac browser command. This command will be executed to bring up the appropriate mac browser when calling help from a mac platform.
CSH Language Monitor Initial Scr
Component report-type program of main program /RWD/Frontend. Triggered by transaction /RWD/ZF37. Input/output to the /rwd/notes and /rwd/global tables where the administrator can set global options for the language option.
CSH Language Monitor Maint Scr
Component report-type program of main program /RWD/Frontend. Triggered by transaction /RWD/ZF38. Administrator can maintain the /RWD/lang PID.
CSH - Sync Utility
Component report-type program of main program /RWD/Frontend. Triggered by transaction /RWD/ZF40. Input / Output to the /rwd/notes_limit, /RWD/NOTES, / RWD/LSVR2PSVR, /RWD/MESSAGE tables. Administrator can delete obsolete records in these tables.
Function Modules
Function module that extracts only the /RWD/ZCSH messages to present to the Help Launchpad administrator to allow that person to create more user friendly, custom Help Launchpad messages for a specific message. Read access only. Input to the /RWD/CSH_ MESSAGE_DATA_BATCH.
Context Sensitive Help PID Commit
Function Modules
This is the primary Help Launchpad function module that updates the USR05 table with the user's selected server. It assigns their chosen server (parva) to their parid (/ RWD/ZCH). This eliminates the need for the user to select the server each time he requests help.
Context Sensitive Help Main Module
Function Modules
Primary Help Launchpad module called from the user selecting Custom Help for a transaction. Input from transaction table (/ rwd/helpinfo), server table (/rwd/ lsvr2psvr), global table (/rwd/global). Output to statistics table if selected. Output to one of several browser possibilities based upon user platform and administrator choice. Also, possible output is a mes- sage instead of a browser with displayed help.
Context Sensitive Help Sub-menu Routine
Function Modules
Similar in function to the primary help launchpad function module (/rwd/csh_help), this function module services those help calls made from using the sub- menu option of setting up the help servers.
ITS Browser Post Routine
Function Modules
Function module used to launch help for SAP systems utilizing pre-6.2 ITS functionality. Called from primary function module /RWD/csh_help.
ITS Browser Post Routine
Function Modules
Function module used to launch help for SAP systems utilizing 6.2 or greater ITS functionality. Called from primary function module /RWD/csh_help.
CSH Language PID commit
Function Modules
This is the Help Launchpad function module that updates the USR05 table with the user's selected server if a user selects an alternate logon language. This option is only available if the administrator has selected the option to monitor help based upon language. It assigns their chosen language (parva) to their parid (/RWD/LANG).
Logon Routine
Function Modules
Function module that is called to determine if a Logon Message should be sent to a user requires changes to the SAP User Exit SUSR0001 as described in the Help Launchpad user manual.
Context Sensitive Help Open Setup
Function Modules
Help Function module that calls the open setup dialog box when the user selects Custom Help Setup. Input from the / RWD/LSVR2PSVR table output to /RWD/ZCH pid through the /RWD/CSH_DB_PID_COMMIT function module.
Popup Text
Function Modules
Help Function module that calls one of several possible /RWD/SAPLZCSH screens to display a custom message, an alert, or an auto notification message.
Popup Text
Function Modules
Help Function module used for help servers defined as screen information servers. Displays a specialized dialog when custom help is selected. The information contained in the display could be used for screen level sensitivity as well as field definition information. Output to /RWD/Parameters table and/or clipboard.
Popup Text
Function Modules
Help Function module used for help servers defined as screen information servers. Displays a specialized dialog when custom help is selected. The information contained in the display could be used for screen level sensitivity as well as field.
Context Sensitive Help Data Extractor
Function Modules
Function module used to extract field label names and associated data elements into an Excel spreadsheet. The data then could be "massaged" to provide a list of data elements which could be used to build custom field definitions that are displayed through F1 help. Currently not used.
Function Modules
Function module used in conjunction with creating sub-menu servers (optional) that eliminates all function codes that are not in the range of ZCH0 through ZCH9. These are typically assigned to Custom Help.
Function Modules
Function module used in conjunction with creating custom messages. It selects only messages in the /RWD/ZCSH message class.
Dialog Box for the Display of a Text List (Texts in a Table)
Function Modules
Function module used in the creation of distribution lists for the Alert notification system. Displays a selection list of users with checkboxes. Input into the /RWD/ Distribution table.
Screen Scrape Utility
Function Modules
Help Function module used for help servers defined as screen information servers. Displays a specialized dialog when custom help is selected. The information contained in the display could be used for screen level sensitivity as well as field definition information. Output to table /RWD/parameters or clipboard.
Screen Scrape Utility
Function Modules
Help Function module that provides more granular information about all the fields and/or definitions that exist on any given screen. Currently not used.
Function Modules
Function module used in conjunction with displaying only servers that match the user's class and language profile. Used when "Monitor Server by Language" and "Monitor Servers by Class" are activated in the Help Launchpad system. Input to /RWD/CSH_OPEN_SETUP.
Function Modules
Function module used in conjunction with displaying only servers that match the us- er's language profile. Used when "Monitor Server by Language" is activated in the Help Launchpad system. Input to /RWD/CSH_OPEN_SETUP
Check for Notification
Function Modules
Primary Alert/Auto Notification function module that processes movement between TCODES and determines if a note should be dispatched to the user. Called if the Alert/Auto Notification system has been activated.
Notification System - Logon Function Module
Function Modules
Primary Alert/Auto Notification function module that processes logon activity and determines if a note should be dispatched to the user. Called if the Logon Alert Notification system has been activated.
Search Help Filter
Function Modules
Function used to screen user-defined servers.
Help Notification
Primary Alert/Notification include program that reviews the change in transaction code to determine if a message needs to be sent to the user.
Help Notification
Primary Alert/Notification include program that reviews the change in transaction code to determine if a message needs to be sent to the user.
Context Sensitive Help Include
Primary Context Sensitive Help include program that connects the user selection of Custom Help / Custom Help Setup through the SAP Help_Start Function module to the Help Launchpad modules.
Frontend Toolkit
Transaction /n/RWD/ZF0 that triggers the main utility report-type program. Input from the /RWD/GLOBAL table. Output to the /RWD/GLOBAL table. Provides the ability to change help launchpad options as well as navigate to other utility programs to create/change options. For example, create help servers.
Utility - Auto Msg Utility
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_AUTO_MESSAGE). Input to the /RWD/Notes table to build a custom notification message. This message is displayed to the user (optional) when the help/transaction logic has changed.
Utility 5.0 version
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_MESSAGE_DATA). Input to the /RWD/Message table that allows the administrator to create custom messages that supersede messages from the /RWD/ZCSH message class.
Utility - Server Class
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_SERVER_CLASS). This program allows the administrator to define a help server to a "class" of users within SAP. This optional feature is activated by selecting the "monitor help by class" option on the main utility page. Output to the /RWD/SERVER_CLSS table.
Utility 5.0 Version
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_STATISTICS_GRAPH). Receives data from the /RWD/STATISTICS table. Allows administrator to graph use of the Custom Help by server, user, transaction, and no-help transactions. Administrator downloads the data to a text file.
CSH Sub Menu Utility
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_SUBMENU_UTILITY). Input/Output to table /RWD/ SUB_SERVER. Allows the administrator to setup up the help servers as (optional) sub-menu items on the SAP help menu.
Utility 5.0 version
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/ CSH_UPLOAD_HELPINFO_BTCH). Input/Output to the /RWD/Helpinfo table. This is the primary method of uploading transactions and their associated document names into the transaction table.
Utility HelpInfo Upload Initial
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_HELPINFO_INITIAL). Navigational dialog from main utility to dialogs supporting the maintenance of help transactions. Administrator can create, delete, upload, and backup one or all of the transactions used in the custom help system.
Utility HelpInfo Upload Online
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/ CSH_UPLOAD_HELPINFO_ONLI). Input/Output to the /RWD/Helpinfo table. Allows the administrator to create, delete, or update a single custom help transaction.
Utility Server Upload Batch
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/ CSH_CONFIGURATION_BATCH). Input/Output to the /RWD/LSVR2PSVR table. Allows administrator to upload or download the help servers from or to a text file.
Utility Messages Upload Batch
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_ALERT_ BATCH). Input/output to the /RWD/Notes table. Allows the administrator to upload or download the alert messages from or to a text file.
Utility Custom Messages Batch
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/ CSH_MESSAGE_DATA_BATCH). In- put/output to the /RWD/Message table. Allows the administrator to upload or download the custom messages from or to a text file.
LSVRPSVR Table Maintenance
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/ CSH_CONFIGURATION_INITIAL). Navigational dialog from main utility to dialogs supporting the maintenance of the help servers. Administrator can create, delete, upload, and backup one or all of the help servers used in the custom help system.
CSH Release Adjustment
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/RELEASE). Input/output to the /RWD/Global table. Allows the administrator to adjust specifications for calling four of the function modules used within the help launchpad system (gui_download, gui_upload, call_browser, and gui_run). Some SAP systems are a blend of 4.6 and 4.7 function modules and this adjustment eliminates call_type_conflict short dumps.
CSH Statistics Backup Initial
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_STATSBKUP_INITIAL). Input/output to the /RWD/Sub_server table. Defines a backup location for the statistics file if the administrator schedules a periodic backup/clean-up of the statistics table (/RWD/Statistics).
Utility - Auto_Alert Not Maint
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/ CSH_ALERT_AUTO_MESSAGES). Input / output to the /RWD/Notemsg table for alert messages. Allows the administrator to create the Alert message content and some of its behavior (link, stop button, and icon used).
Utility - Alert Note Maint
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program(/RWD/CSH_ALERT_MAINT). Input/output to the /RWD/Notes table. Allows the administrator to create the actual alert message for a given transaction. Administrator can specify the message id, calendar id, distribution id, number of messages to send, length of time and help server (all, one, or everyone). Administrator can also view and maintain who received a given Alert.
Utility - Alert Initial
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_ALERT_ INITIAL). Navigational dialog from main utility to dialogs supporting the maintenance of Alerts. Administrator can create, delete, upload, and backup one or all of the Alerts used in the Alert/Notification system.
Utility - AutoNote Batch
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_AUTO_BATCH). Input/output to the /RWD/Notes table. Input/output to the /RWD/Message table. Allows the administrator to upload or down- load all Auto Notification messages from or to a text file.
Utility - Auto Note Maint
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_NOTE_AUTO_MAINT). Input/output to the /RWD/Notes table. Allows the administrator to create the actual Auto Notification for a given transaction. Administrator can specify the transaction, number of messages to send, length of time and which help server. Administrator can also view and maintain who received a given Auto Notification.
Utility Auto Initial
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_AUTO_INITIAL). Navigational dialog from main utility to dialogs supporting the Auto Notification system (optional). Administrator can create, delete, upload, and backup one or all of the auto notification messages.
Utility - Server Assign Batch
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_PID_BATCH). Input/output to only the /RWD/ZCH pid of the USR05 table. Used by administrator (optional) to assign or delete the help server to a group of users via a text file. The administrator should note that if there is only one help server the users are automatically assigned this value. Also, the administrator can designate a default server from a list of servers for the first-time users of custom help to receive.
Utility - Server Assign Initial
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program(/RWD/CSH_PID_INITIAL). Input/output to only the /RWD/ZCH pid of the USR05 table. Used by administrator(optional) to assign or delete the help server to a group of users through an online process.
Utility - Server Assing Maint
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_PID_MAINT). Input / output to only the /RWD/ZCH pid of the USR05 table. Used by administrator(optional) to assign or delete an help server to a single user.
CSH Create URL Utility
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program(/RWD/CSH_URL_SETUP). Input/output to the /RWD/Sub_server table. Provides the ability to store URL links for custom messages, alerts, and auto notifications.
Logon Message Routine
A dialog transaction used with the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/ CSH_ALERT_LOGON_MESSAGES). Input to the /RWD/Notes table to build a custom notification message. This message is displayed to the user (optional) when the user logs into the system.
Logon Message Routine
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_LOGON_INITIAL). Navigational dialog from main utility to dialogs supporting the maintenance of Logon Alerts. Administrator can create, delete, upload, and backup one or all of the Alerts used in the Alert/ Notification system.
Logon Message Routine
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_LOGON_MAINT). Input/ output to the /RWD/Notes table. Allows the administrator to create the actual logon alert message Administrator can specify the message id, calendar id, distribution id, number of messages to send, length of time and which help server (all, one, or everyone). Administrator can also view and maintain who received a given Alert.
Batch Logon Utility
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_LOGON_BATCH). Administrator can upload/ download logon alerts in batch.
CSH MAC User Command Utility
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_MAC_SETUP). Administrator can set a unique MAC browser command to use when requesting help through a MAC.
CSH Language Monitor Initial Screen
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program /RWD/CSH_LANG_INITIAL). Initial lang monitoring screen where an administrator can set an option to use the logon language or the stored PID language when requesting help.
CSH Language Monitor Maint Scr
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_LANG_MAINT). Administrator can adjusted the stored language PID setting for a specific user.
CSH - Language Utility
Dialog transaction the runs program /RWD/CSH_LANG_UTILITY. This administrator-run utility allows the Administrator to moved the English texts in the /n/RWD/ZF0 utility to other languages for easier use.
Utility - Calendar Utility
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program(/RWD/CSH_CALENDAR). Input/output to /RWD/Calendar table. Allows the administrator to build daily, weekly, or monthly periodic alert events.
Utility - Distribution List Utl
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program(/RWD/CSH_DISTRIBUTION). Input/output to the /RWD/Distribution table. Allows the administrator to create distribution lists for Alerts.
CSH Screen Parame- ters
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program(/RWD/ CSH_PARAMETERS_UTILITY). Input/output to the /RWD/Parameters table which contains screen-related information used by help authors. Utility allows administrator to review, backup, or clear this table.
RWD CSH Configuration Utility
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/ CSH_CONFIGURATION_UTILITY). Input/Output to the /RWD/LSVR2PSVR2 table. Main help server definition tool. Used by the administrator to create, up- date, and delete the help server.
CSH Statistics Utility
A dialog transaction used within the main utility to launch a report-type program (/RWD/CSH_STATISTICS_UTILITY). Input/output to the /RWD/Statistics table. Also navigates to the graph utility. Allows the administrator to maintain the custom help statistics data.
Convert Utility
Obsolete utility. Transaction /RWD/ZF99 will be used in release 5.4 to define /RWD/CSH_MSG_CONVERT utility for converting alerts, messages, and notifications to a different format.
Message Classes
Grouping of messages (22) that are used throughout the Help Launchpad system to inform the user of an error. For example, if no help is available, message /RWD/ZCSH 000 is displayed with the content "No context sensitive help available. Please refer to extended help."
uPerform Help Shadow table
Table containing data collected when a user requests field level help. Stores username, field, date, time, and related information. Controlled through the Frontend utility.
Role_server connection
Table containing uPerform notification data retrieved from uPerform server. Controlled the Frontend utility (/n/RWD/ZF0).
Notification System for lists
Table containing uPerform notification data retrieved from uPerform server. Controlled the Frontend utility (/n/RWD/ZF0).
type decimal definition
Data element
Data element that defines a 4 place decimal field used to define table entries. Replaces an SAP field which is no longer defined by SAP.
Server selection base
Search Help
Object used to display servers based upon class and language. Used in the /rwd/csh_help when assigning servers to users. Controlled in frontend utility.
Note search help for both
Search Help
Object connecting notes with language. Controlled in frontend utility.
CSH Role Search Help
Search Help
Object used to identify and connect roles to the help servers. Controlled in the frontend utility.
CSH Role Search Help
Search Help
Object used to identify and connect classes to correct help servers. Controlled in the frontend utility.
CSH Search Help
Assigns the language monitoring defaults used in CSH. Controlled by administrator using frontend utility.
Language monitoring defaults
Assigns the language PIDS to users used in CSH. Controlled by administrator using frontend utility.
/RWD/ CSH_LANG_utility
Language assignment
Provides administrator the ability to adjust the program texts by language. Controlled by the administrator using frontend utility.
Field Help config
Part of the Frontend utility used to assign special characters and associated html equivalents when searching for Custom help documents in uPerform.
Work with uPerform special characters
Part of the Frontend utility used to work with servers and their assignment to SAP classes.
Server Client Maintenance
Part of the Frontend utility used to work with servers and their assignment to SAP groups.
Server Group Maintenance
Part of the Frontend utility used to work with servers and their assignment to SAP ROLES.
Server Role Maintenance
Handles specialized MAC Help Launchpad. Controlled in Frontend utility by the Administrator.
MAC browser call
Exit used to display Help Servers assigned by Administrator in the Frontend utility.
Server class filter
Exit used to display Help Servers assigned by Administrator in the Frontend utility.
Field level include
Dialog transaction that is part of the utility which is used by the Administrator to work with general language defaults.
CSH - Sync Utility
Dialog transaction that is part of the utility which is used by the Administrator to delete obsolete / inaccurate table entries.
CSH - Language Utility
Dialog transaction that is part of the utility which is used by the Administrator to work with language assignments to users.
CSH - Load Special Characters
Dialog transaction that is part of the utility which is used by the Administrator to define uPerform special characters.
Utility- Server Class
Dialog transaction that is part of the utility which is used by the Administrator to work with server assignments to users.