In uPerform, migrated Info Pak documents are displayed with a unique icon. In addition, the Info Pak document titles include the associated document type within uPerform.
The document type displayed after the title is based on the DocType_Name property of the original Info Pak document.
The Migration Wizard automatically verifies content from the Server workspace. Running content verification activates the Info Pak child output on the Server.
This process may take several minutes after the migration is complete.
Optionally, if you want to execute content verification on a regular basis, use Microsoft Windows Task Scheduler to setup a task on the Server to periodically execute the ContentVerification.exe file. Refer to Scheduling Automated Tasks in the companion manual Administration for instructions on creating tasks on the Server.
After migration is complete, perform the following quality assurance and configuration tasks:
- Review the document check-in log (generated if you have checked documents into uPerform). This log is located in the following default location: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\[applicationdirectory]\version X.xx\Logs\BatchCheckin. The log filename is prefaced with 'BatchCheckIn_' and is date- and timestamped.
- Confirm that unintended documents have not been migrated.
- Confirm the folder assignment of all documents.
Using the Info Pak Properties Specified in the uPerform Project
After migration, a link to Info Pak properties is displayed on the project properties page.
These Info Pak properties only exist after importing Web Architect data during migration. After initial creation, these properties can only be modified from the uPerform system.
If you are not modifying your Info Pak publishing options (for example, specifying to use websafe paths or specifying additional output formats) and the location of the published output does not change, you do not need to edit these Info Pak properties from within the Editor.
If your publishing options or location change, you must edit these properties. Click + to the left of Info Pak Properties to expand the properties list.
In the event you do modify publishing options and/or content location, you must modify the following properties:
- The relevant child document type to add formats to the list
- Content Location: You do not need to re-migrate data again if the content location is changed. Simply change the value of this field and run content verification.
- Web Safe Paths: Change the value in this field if all documents are republished with a different websafe path setting in the Info Pak - Configuration tool and run content verification.
You cannot add new custom child document types or new assimilated document types from this interface. If you have new document types, you must execute a new migration.