The Migration Wizard is available from the Microsoft Windows Start menu. The Migration Wizard interface is available in all languages supported by uPerform.
The Migration Wizard will gather information at each step for use in future steps, but no data will be migrated until the Wizard is completed.
Uploading All Info Pak Data Into uPerform
- Create an ip content folder in the [Install Location]\collaboration\www\ location.
- Place your published Info Pak content into the ipcontent folder.
- Select to open the migration wizard.
- Review the prerequisites and, optionally, specify the interface language.
- Click Next.
- Select one of the following options:
If You Want To
Execute a migration run for the first time
Select the Migrate Info Pak content into a uPerform project radio button.
Run a previous migration on a blank project
Select the Migrate Info Pak Content into a Uperform project radio button.
Batch check-in Info Pak documents
Select the Batch check-in Info Pak documents radio button.
Update a uPerform template for transformation
Select the Update a uPerform template for transforming Info Pak documents radio button, and refer to Updating a Template for Use with Transformation.
Transform Info Pak documents to uPerform documents
Select the Transform Info Pak documents to uPerform documents radio button, and refer to Executing the Transformation.
- Click Next.
- Perform one of the following options:
If You Want To
Execute a migration for the first time
Select <new> from the Saved Migrations drop-down list, and enter a name in the Migration Name field.
Run a previous migration run on a blank project
- Select a project from the Saved Migrations drop-down list.
- Optionally, edit the name in the Migration Name field.
Import a migration file from a pre-3.1 version
- Select Import ..., and specify the file.
- Optionally, edit the name in the Migration Name field.
- Click Next.
- Complete the following information:
Server location
Enter the URL of your Server.
Enter the username for the Server.
Enter the password for the Server.
Trust invalid SSL certificates
Select this option if you are using SSL but your certificate is not signed.
Use Proxy Authentication (optional)
Click the Use Proxy Authentication checkbox if your administrator has set up a proxy server for connecting to the Server.
Enter the username for the proxy authentication.
Enter the password for the proxy authentication.
Test Connection
Click Test Connection to test your connection to the Server.
Username, password, and proxy authentication are not necessary if using NTLM SSO.
Upon exiting the application, connection information is stored for future use in the Migration Wizard Application Settings XML file located on the local computer in C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\ANCILE\MigrationWizard\Version 5.XX\AppSettings.xml.
- Click Next.
- Complete the following fields:
Select the blank project you created for the migration.
Select the uPerform template you want to use for transforming documents.
- Click Next.
- Complete/review the following information:
Web Architect Profile
Browse to the location of your Web Architect profile.
Profile .xml files are typically stored in the following location:
For Windows 7 and 8: C:\Users\Documents\Info pak\profiles\wa.
Content URL
Enter the web server location of your published Info Pak content. The Migration Wizard does not validate URLs.
For example: http:\\[Install Location]\collaboration\www\ipcontent.
Profile Settings
Review the settings for your Web Architect profile to ensure they are correct.
- Click Next.
- Choose from the following options:
If You Want To
Build the document library based on directory structure
Select the Directory Structure radio button.
Build the document library based on document properties
- Select the Document Properties radio button.
- Select the properties to use from the Properties Available list, and click >> to move these properties into the Properties Selected list on the right. Use the up and down arrow but\-tons to re-order the list of properties in the Properties Selected list.
NOTE:You must select at least one property.
- Optionally, click Preview to view the document library.
- Click Next.
- Complete the following:
These settings will update your template with the necessary Info Pak properties and allow you to map sections for transformation.
Automatically Generate Exercise Section
Select this option to automatically update the exercise section in the uPerform document after transformation.
Transform Procedure Section
Select this option to transform the procedure section from your Info Pak document into a uPerform document.
NOTE: This option determines if the procedure section in the new uPerform document should be populated based on the Info Pak simulation or document. If this option is disabled, new uPerform documents will not contain any content in the procedure section.
Transform Procedure from Simulation if available
Select this option to transform the procedure section from your Info Pak simulation.
NOTE: Transform Procedure Section must be enabled to use this option.
To transform an Info Pak procedure section from the simulation, the Info Pak simulation must be in the same directory as the parent document and the file name must be the same. Simulations stored in other directories will not be transformed with the parent document.
- Click Next.
- Click on a section in the Info Pak Sections window.
- Drag and drop the section on the corresponding section in the uPerform Sections window.
- Review the mapped sections to ensure they are correct.
The Info Pak Overview section has been renamed 'Purpose' in uPerform. The procedure section is not included in the mapping options because the Migration Wizard will automatically create this section during transformation.
A section can only be mapped to one other section. Each section has a corresponding color to easily identify the mapping after the drag-and-drop operation. The result of the mapping is displayed in the Mapped Sections list. To remove a mapping, click on the mapping in the Mapped Sections list and click Remove.
- Click Next.
- Perform one of the following options:
If You Want To
Migrate your Info Pak glossary
Browse to the location of your Glossary profile.
NOTE: Profile .xml files are typically stored at C:\Documents and Settings\[Your Username]\My Documents\Info pak\profiles\glossary.
Skip the Info Pak glossary and proceed with the migration
Go to Step 25.
- Click Next.
- Select from the following options:
If You Want To
Migrate no definitions
Select the None radio button.
Assign Info Pak default definitions to the project root only
Select the Project root only checkbox.
Map any key-property specific definitions to folders in the document library
Select the All available contexts radio button.
This option is not available if the Info Pak Glossary is based on language.
Ensure that all Info Pak - Glossary definitions are added to uPerform, but you have no key properties that match document library folders
Select the Import definitions without context as suggestions checkbox.
The Info Pak - Glossary key property definition that does not match a context in uPerform will be added as a suggestion at the project level.
If your Info Pak - Glossary key property is not language, you must select the uPerform language that should be used for the Info Pak - Glossary definitions.
- Click Next.
- Review the summary list.
- Click Start to begin the migration process.
Microsoft Word should not be used until the migration process is complete. During the migration process, the screen displays the percent complete status of the process. To cancel the process, click Stop. Stopping the process applies to the document check-in process and Glossary processing, but does not 'undo' documents that were already checked in. A confirmation and status message is displayed at the end of the migration run. From this message, you can access a log of migration activities during the run.
- If you want to transform your Info Pak documents to uPerform documents, refer to Transforming Info Pak Documents.
Migrating Info Pak Documents to the uPerform Document Library
This activity does not migrate Web Architect or Glossary data. If the Web Architect database has already been migrated, documents will be checked into the correct location in uPerform; otherwise, the documents will be checked into the project root.
- Select to open the Migration Wizard.
- Review the prerequisites and, optionally, specify the interface language.
- Click Next.
- Select Batch check-in Info Pak documents.
- Click Next.
- Complete the following information:
Server location
Enter the URL of your Server.
Enter the username for the Server.
Enter the password for the Server.
Use Proxy Authentication (optional)
Click the Use Proxy Authentication checkbox if your administrator has set up a proxy server for connecting to the Server.
Trust Invalid SSL Certificates
Select this option if you are using SSL but your certificate is not signed.
Enter the username for the proxy authentication.
Enter the password for the proxy authentication.
- Click Next.
- Select a project from the Project drop-down list.
- Click Next.
- Click Browse... to specify an inbox.
- Click Start to begin the check-in process.
The check-in progress screen displays the percent complete status of the process. To cancel the process, click Stop. Stopping the process does not ‘undo’ documents that were already checked in. A confirmation and status message is displayed at the end of the migration run. From this message, you can access a log of migration activities during the run.
Published content child toolbar links in uPerform do not match Info Pak Web Architect priority links.
Updating a Template for Use with Transformation
You can update a template to populate the template with Info Pak transformation settings or update existing transformation settings.
- Select to open the Migration Wizard.
- Review the prerequisites and, optionally, specify the interface language.
- Click Next.
- Select Update a uPerform template for transforming Info Pak documents.
- Click Next.
- Complete the following information:
Server location
Enter the URL of your Server.
Enter the username for the Server.
Enter the password for the Server.
Trust invalid SSL certificates.
Select this option if you are using SSL but your certificate is not signed.
Use Proxy Authentication (optional)
Click the Use Proxy Authentication checkbox if your administrator has set up a proxy server for connecting to the Server.
Enter the username for the proxy authentication.
Enter the password for the proxy authentication.
Test Connection
Click Test Connection to test your connection to the Server.
Upon exiting the application, connection information is stored for future use in the Migration Wizard Application Settings XML file located on the local computer in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\[applicationdirectory]\version X.xx\AppSettings.xml.
- Click Next.
- Complete the following fields:
Select the project that contains the template you want to update.
Select the template you want to update with the transformation.
- Click Next.
- Click Browse, and locate the Info Pak profile you want to use to update the template.
- Click Next.
- Complete the following:
Automatically Generate Exercise Section
Select this option to automatically update the exercise section in the uPerform document after transformation.
Transform Procedure Section
Select this option to transform the procedure section from your Info Pak document into a uPerform document.
NOTE: This option determines if the procedure section in the new uPerform document should be populated based on the Info Pak simulation or document. If this option is disabled, new uPerform documents will not contain any content in the procedure section.
Transform Procedure from Simulation if available
Select this option to transform the procedure section from your Info Pak simulation.
NOTE: Transform Procedure Section must be enabled to use this option.
To transform an Info Pak procedure section from the simulation, the Info Pak simulation must be in the same directory as the parent document and the file name must be the same. Simulations stored in other directories will not be transformed with the parent document.
- Click Next.
- Click on a section in the Info Pak Sections window.
- Drag and drop the section on a corresponding section in the uPerform Sections window.
- Review the mapped sections to ensure they are correct.
The Info Pak Overview section has been renamed 'Purpose' in uPerform. The procedure section is not included in the mapping options because the Migration Wizard will automatically create this section during transformation.
A section can only be mapped to one other section. Each section has a corresponding color to easily identify the mapping after the drag-and-drop operation. The result of the mapping is displayed in the Mapped Sections list. To remove a mapping, click on the mapping in the Mapped Sections list and click Remove.
- Click Next.
- Review the summary information.
- Click Start.
When the template update is complete, you can choose to view the transformation log.