The email address of the uPerformSystem credential is configurable. The uPerformSystem account is used for sending email messages to end users whose account has been updated per UIS synchronization. If emails from the system are being flagged as spam due to the default email address of, edit the uPerformSystem credential with an email address that your organization recognizes.
- Click Administration on the left menu.
- Click Server Administration in the Administration area.
- Click Integration Settings in the Server Administration area.
- Click Integration Credentials.
- Click uPerformSystem.
- Click Edit Credential on the left menu.
- Complete the following fields:
Credential ID
Enter a name for the email credential or leave as "uPerform System."
Email Address
Enter the new email address.
The password cannot be blank. Only US ASCII characters 32-126 are allowed. Double-byte characters are not supported.
Password Confirmation
Re-enter the new password to confirm your entry.
- Click Save.