Results Per Page
Enter the number of results to display on a page for search pagination.
Trace Level
Enter a trace level to enable trace logging. For more information, refer to Log Information.
Log changes to user accounts
Select this option to log changes made to user accounts to the [Install Location]\Collaboration\log\CollabConsole.txt file.
Log server property changes
Select this option to log changes made to server properties to the [Install Location]\Collaboration\log\CollabConsole.txt file.
NOTE: For more information on where log changes and server properties are stored, refer to System Maintenance Tasks.
Minutes between SCORM data automatic save (4-20 minutes)
Enter the amount of time (4-20 minutes) between each SCORM data automatic save.
The default setting is 5 minutes.
Automatically add approved documents to the publishing queue after globalization
Select this option to allow the system administrator to determine if documents should be automatically added to the publishing queue after they are globalized.
For more information on globalization, refer to Using Globalize in the companion manual Managing Content.
Protect user identity
Select this option to to store user IDs as hashed values.
NOTE: User IDs are captured for website usage tracking reports. User IDs display as hashed values for unknown users. For example, User 1.
Enforce minimum password length
Refer to Configuring Password Settings.
Lock user accounts after invalid login attempts
Refer to Configuring Password Settings.
Require password change after initial logon and after an account is locked
Refer to Configuring Password Settings.
Allow Anonymous Access with Single Sign-On
Select this option to allow users who do not have a uPerform account, but are authenticated by SSO, within their company's domain, to browse as an anonymous user.
Sign SAML Metadata XML
Select this option to allow the application to sign the SAML Metadata that it generates.
Form timeout (10-120 minutes)
Enter an amount of time a JSON Web Token is valid when filling out forms. This is performed by a System Administrator
NOTE: Setting this value too low could cause users filling out forms to have to fill out the information again. Setting this value too high negates the usefulness of this feature in preventing CSRF attacks.
The default value is 15 minutes.
Token processing time (15-60 seconds)
Enter an amount of time a JSON Web Token is valid when accessing published content. This is performed by a System Administrator
NOTE: Setting this value too high negates the usefulness of this feature in preventing CSRF attacks.
The default value is 15 minutes.
Allow form POST requests for administrative debugging
Select this option to allow POST requests to pass through without a JSON Web Token.
NOTE: This should be turned on temporarily by the System Administrator for troubleshooting the Server application.
By default, this option is not selected.