To integrate SAP Solution Manager 7.1 with uPerform, you must specify a connection between the two systems. The Solution Manager and the Server communicate via web services and proxies. This allows authors to access, create, edit, and delete documents directly within Solution Manager.
The procedures in this section are based on SAP SP 18. Refer to the Technical Specifications for any required notes that need to be applied.
Creating the Solution Manager Web Service and Edit Security
- In SAP, start the transaction using the SOAMANAGER transaction code.
A web browser will be launched. Log into SAP using your Solution Manager credentials.
- Select the Application and Scenario Communication tab.
- Click Single Service Administration.
- On the Search tab, select Service in the Search by drop-down list.
- Enter AGS_PDP* in the Search Pattern field.
- Click Go.
- Select the AGS_PDP_INTEGRATION result.
- Click Apply Selection.
- In the Details area, select the Configurations tab.
- Click Create Service.
- Complete the following fields:
New Service Name
Enter a name for the service.
Example: uPerform Service
Optionally, enter a description of the service.
Example: Solution Manager Connection
New Binding Name
Enter a binding name, which is typically the same as the service name.
Example: uPerform Service
- Click Apply Settings.
- In the Details area, select the Configurations tab.
- Click Edit.
- In the Web Service Configuration area, select the Provider Security tab.
- Select No Authentication in the Authentication Settings section.
- Click the Save button in the Web Service Configuration area.
Enabling the Solution Manager Connection in the Server
- In SAP, start the transaction using the SOAMANAGER transaction code.
- Log into SAP using your Solution Manager credentials.
- Select the Application and Scenario Communication tab.
- Click Single Service Administration.
- On the Search tab, select Service in the Search by drop-down list.
- Enter AGS_PDP* in the Search Pattern field.
- Click Go.
- Select the AGS_PDP_INTEGRATION result.
- Click Apply Selection.
- In the Details area, select the Overview tab.
- Click Open WSDL document for selected binding.
- Navigate to the bottom of the document.
- Locate the XML key <wsdl:port name="AGS_PDP_INTEGRATION" bind\-ing="tns:AGS_PDP_INTEGRATION">.
- Copy the soap:address location key value. For example: http://[servername]:8000/sap/bc/srt/rfc/sap/ags_pdp_integration/001/ags_pdp_integration/ags_pdp_integration.
- In a new browser window, navigate to the Server.
- Log in using system administrator credentials.
- Click Administration in the left navigation pane.
- Select Server Administration.
- Select Global Settings.
- Ensure you have entered a Solution Manager Adapter product key in the Product Key field.
You can change the Product Key using the Configuration Wizard. For more information refer to Changing the Product Key.
- Click Administration in the left navigation pane.
- Select Server Administration.
- Select Integration Settings.
- Select SAP Solution Manager Integration.
If SAP Solution Manager integration is not enabled, you must obtain a product key that has Solution Manager integration enabled.
- Complete the following fields:
Enable SAP Solution Manager Integration
Select this checkbox to enable integration.
URL for SAP Solution Manager Server
Enter the copied value from Step 14.
- Click Save.
- Navigate to the web.config file in the www/uperformws folder.
- Remove the comment around <allow users="*" />.
- Add a comment to the <deny users="*" />.
After authorizing, the authorization portion of the file should display as:
<system.web> <authorization> <allow users="*" /> <!-<deny users="*" />--> </authorization> </system.web>
Open the file in a web browser to verify the changes were made correctly. If the document is not well-formed it will not open correctly.
- Navigate to the ANCILE.uPerform.ServerConfiguration.dll.config file.
- Navigate to IntegrationPassword and add Raw to the end (IntegrationPasswordRaw). This will encrypt plain text passwords after restarting the Monitoring Service.
After restarting the Monitoring Service, Raw will be removed from IntegrationPasswordRaw in the ANCILE.uPerform.ServerConfiguration.dll.config file.
- Provide values for IntegrationUserName and IntegrationPasswordRaw.
- Save the ANCILE.uPerform.ServerConfiguration.dll.config file.
- Restart the Monitoring Service.
Creating the Solution Manager Customer Proxy and Editing Security
- In SAP, start the transaction using the SOAMANAGER transaction code.
- Log into SAP using your Solution Manager credentials.
- Select the Application and Scenario Communication tab.
- Click Single Service Administration.
- On the Search tab, select Consumer Proxy in the Search by drop-down list.
- Enter CO_AGS_PDP* in the Search Pattern field.
- Select Internal Name in the Field drop-down list.
- Click Go.
- Select the CO_AGS_PDP_U_PERFORM_INTEGRAT1 result.
- Click Apply Selection.
- In the Details area, select the Configurations tab.
- Click Create Logical Port.
- Complete the following fields:
Logical Port Name
Enter a name for the port.
Logical Port is Default
Select the Logical Port is Default checkbox.
Optionally, enter a description for the port.
Configuration Type
Select the WSDL Based Configuration radio but\-ton.
Select the Via HTTP Access radio button.
URL for WSDL Access
Enter the uPerformIntegrationWS URL.
Example: http://[uPerformServer]/uPerformWS/uPerformIntegrationWS.asmx.wsdl
- Click Apply Settings.
- Click Save in the Web Service Configuration area.
Activating the uPerformExtension in Solution Manager
- Start the transaction using the SFW5 transaction code.
- Select SM_SSP in the Enterprise Extensions area.
- Click Activate Changes.