The Migration Wizard will gather information at each step for use in future steps, but no transformation activities will occur until the Wizard is completed.
If you are using multiple Info Pak project settings files, it is recommended that you create and specify a unique uPerform template for each transformation run. If you have created custom sections for use in your Info Pak documents, you must also create these custom sections in your uPerform template.
Info Pak screenflows are not transformed to uPerform documents.
Transforming Info Pak Documents and Simulations
- Selectto open the migration wizard.
- Review the prerequisites and, optionally, specify the interface language.
- Click Next.
- Select the Transform Info Pak documents to uPerform documents radio button.
- Click Next.
- Complete the following information:
Server location
Enter the URL of your Server.
Enter the username for the Server.
Enter the password for the Server.
Select Trust invalid SSL certificates.
Select this option if you are using SSL but your certificate is not signed.
Use Proxy Authentication (optional)
Click the Use Proxy Authentication checkbox if your administrator has set up a proxy server for connecting to the Server.
Enter the username for the proxy authentication.
Enter the password for the proxy authentication.
- Click Next.
- Select the project from the uPerform Project list.
- Select a template from the uPerform Template list.
- Click Next.
- Complete the following information:
Browse to the location of your Info Pak documents and simulations.
Specify the location to which the new uPerform documents will be saved.
- Click Next.
- Click Start to begin the transformation process.
- If prompted, click Yes to close all instances of Microsoft Word.
The transformation progress screen displays the status of the process. To cancel the process, click Cancel. Stopping the process applies to the current document, but does not 'undo' documents that were already transformed. A confirmation message is displayed at the end of the transformation run. From this message, you can access a log of transformation activities during the run.
- Browse to the outbox location you specified for your uPerform documents to review and edit the documents with the Editor.
When the transformation process is complete, you will be prompted to view the transformation log. To view the log, click Yes. The transformation Log is stored in the default location: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\[applicationdirectory]\version X.xx\Logs\Transformation.
- Edit the document(s) using the procedures and information found in Reviewing and Editing Transformed Documents and Simulations.
Transforming a Single Info Pak Document or Simulation
You can transform a single Info Pak document or simulation using the Editor. Single document transformation can be performed in connected or disconnected mode. If you are working in disconnected mode, ensure you have a local template containing Info Pak transformation properties.
For information on best practices in planning and executing the transformation, refer to the Transitioning from ANCILE Info Pak to ANCILE uPerform white paper on the Intelligence Hub.
- Open the Editor.
- Select .
- Change File of types to Info Pak Document or Info Pak Simulation.
- Navigate to the Info Pak file.
- Click OK.
- Select a template from the list.
- Click OK.
This process may take several minutes.
- Edit the document using the procedures and information found in Reviewing and Editing Transformed Documents and Simulations.
Reviewing and Editing Transformed Documents and Simulations
Once you have transformed an Info Pak document or simulation to a uPerform document or simulation, you must review the document to ensure proper formatting and content display. After transformation, your content will be displayed using uPerform styles.