Once a virus enters uPerform, the virus does not have the ability to cross-infect other uPerform files. Also, viruses in uPerform cannot infect the Server's file system.
Virus scanners running on your servers may cause unexpected server behavior resulting in the loss of database content and/or search functionality.
The Server creates temporary files on the file system while performing such tasks as downloading documents and indexing. When the application contains a virus-infected document, the temporary file created will contain the virus. This temporary file may become quarantined by the virus scanner, thereby interfering with normal system operation and causing indexer problems. It is futile to scan for viruses in the installation directory because the virus scanner cannot remove the virus from the database. Unexpected behavior will occur each time the infected file is extracted from the database to be indexed until the infected file is removed.
To configure the virus scanner, setup the scanner software to ignore the "[Install Location]\search" and all directories therein. Also ignore "[Install Location]\". If it is acceptable with corporate security policies, it is recommended that the virus scanner ignore the entire directory.
The Server currently does not include a virus-checking component.
It is not recommended to configure a filesystem-based virus scanner on the Server. Rather, it is recommended to use a virus scanner which scans incoming/outgoing HTTP, FTP, and SMTP streams.
For documents, it is recommended that users virus check objects prior to uploading them into the Server.