This section lists the high-level steps required to create a backup and recovery plan. A backup and recovery (often called disaster recovery) plan should include all data and information required to restore uPerform in the event of an unexpected failure. Administration of the system, backup schedules, and restoration procedures are important topics to discuss during the planning and implementation process. In addition to a backup and recovery plan, regularly scheduled server maintenance should be performed on the operating system and data storage application to ensure the latest security and service patches are applied.
The following concepts illustrate possible backup implementations. Your requirements may differ from those outlined in this manual. Always consult your information technology department, server administrators, database administrators, and project management before finalizing a backup and recovery plan.
A regularly-scheduled backup of all servers in the uPerform landscape is strongly suggested. In addition, you should also perform the following backups on a regularly-scheduled interval:
- Collaboration database and Database database backups using the storage application recommended by your IT department.
- [Install Location]\Collaboration\WWW\uContent folder backup using conventional file backup applications and procedures.