To ensure proper installation, perform the procedures in this section in the order specified.
Prerequisites for Executing the Application Server Installation
If you are using the Server in conjunction with Oracle, you must:
- Install 32-bit Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC):
- Ensure that the ODAC version installed is compatible with your Operating System and Database versions.
If you install ODAC to an application server that is using a non-English (United States) locale, verify the following registry setting:
Registry Value name: NLS_LANG
Registry Value data: AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8
If you are using the Server in conjunction with IBM DB2, you must:
- Install the IBM DB2 Data Server Driver client:
- Install the required Java version.
Installing and Verifying Message Queuing and Configuring IIS
To install message queuing on Microsoft SQL Server, refer to
Under , select both ASP.NET 3.5 and ASP.NET 4.5 if not already installed and accept any other components that it needs to install.
Installing the Server
If using Windows Server 2012 with SQL 2012 SP1, you must enable these two settings under Roles: .NET Extensibility 4.5 and ASP.NET 4.5.
- Locate the installation files on your computer.
- Double-click the executable file to start the installation.
If the User Account Control prompt displays, click Yes.
- Click Install.
- Review the Install Checklist.
- Optionally, click Open the Installation Planning Checklist to view installation prerequisites.
- Click the checkbox next to each option.
- Click Proceed.
- On the Welcome screen, click Next.
- Select I accept the terms of the license agreement.
- Click Next.
- Select New Installation.
- Click Next.
- Enter or browse to the installation folder.
Ensure that you retain \Collaboration in the folder path.
- Click Next.
- Complete the following fields:
Collaboration Server Hostname
This is a required field.
Enter the full DNS name.
Collaboration Server HTTP Port
This is a required field.
It is recommended to specify port 8080 if it is unused.
SMTP Server (Relay) Hostname
This is a required field.
Collaboration Server Memory Allocation (MB)
This value can be a maximum of 4096. If it is anything higher, Collaboration will not start. We recommend allowing at least 2GB for the OS.
- Click Next.
- Select Single Server.
- Click Next.
uPerform does not support the MySQL server environment.
- Perform one of the following options:
If You Want To
Perform a clean installation
- Select your database type.
- Select Connect to and create a new OpenText Collaboration database..
- Go to the next step.
Connect to an existing, pre-populated database
- Select your database type.
- Select Connect to an existing OpenText Collaboration database..
- Go to the next step.
Perform a manual upgrade or installation of the Collaboration databases using an Oracle 12c or DB2 10.5 database
- Select your database type.
- Select I will configure my database later..
- Go to Step 30.
- Click Next.
- Complete the following fields:
DBA Username
This is a required field.
For Microsoft SQL Server, enter the SQL DBA Account created in Creating Microsoft SQL Server Databases.
For Oracle, enter the user name of the Oracle DBA Account created when the database was initially installed.
DBA Password
This is a required field.
For Microsoft SQL Server, enter the SQL DBA Account password created in Creating Microsoft SQL Server Databases.
For Oracle, enter the Oracle DBA Account password created when the database was initially installed.
DBA Password (Confirm)
This is a required field.
Confirm the password entered.
- Click Next.
- Perform one of the following options:
- Complete the following fields for Microsoft SQL Server:
Database Hostname
This is a required field.
Enter the full DNS name.
Database Port
This is a required field.
Enter the database port.
Database Name
Enter the name of the empty Microsoft SQL Server database created in Creating Microsoft SQL Server Databases, or the name of the existing database if you are connecting to an existing database.
The database name must be unique. Semicolons are not permissible.
Database Username
This is a required field.
This is the Collaboration User Account.
The database username must be unique and must not yet exist on the server because the installer will create this new account. Semicolons are not permissible.
Make note of this ID. You will need it for future upgrades.
Database Password
This is a required field.
Enter a password for the new account. The password is case-sensitive and must meet your domain password policies. An alphanumeric combination is recommended.
Database Password (Confirm)
This is a required field.
Confirm the password entered.
Content Filegroup
This is a required field.
The default value should be Primary.
- Go to the step to verify your setup.
- Complete the following fields for Oracle:
Database Hostname
This is a required field.
Enter the full DNS name.
Database Port
This is a required field.
Enter the database port.
Oracle SID
Enter the name of the empty Oracle Collaboration database created in Creating Oracle Databases, or the name of the existing database if you are connecting to an existing database.
The database name cannot begin with a number or contain special characters.
Database Username
This is a required field.
This is the Collaboration User Account.
The database username must be unique and must not yet exist on the server because the installer will create this new account. Semicolons are not permissible.
Database Password
This is a required field.
Enter a password for the new account.
The password is case-sensitive and must meet your domain password policies. An alphanumeric combination is recommended. Do not use special characters.
Database Password (Confirm)
This is a required field.
Confirm the password entered.
Content Tablespace
Enter metadata.
Default Tablespace
Enter content.
Temp Tablespace
Enter temp.
- Go to the step to verify your setup.
- Complete the following fields for IBM DB2:
Database Hostname
This is a required field.
Enter the full DNS name.
Database Port
This is a required field.
Enter the database port.
Database Name
This is a required field.
Enter the name of the Collaboration database you created in Creating IBM DB2 Databases, or the name of the existing Collaboration database to which you are connecting.
The database name must be unique and cannot begin with a number. Special characters are not permitted.
Database Username
This is a required field.
This is the Collaboration user you created during the creation of the Collaboration database.
Database Password
This is a required field.
Enter a password for the new account.
The password is case sensitive. An alphanumeric combination is recommended. Do not use special characters.
Database Password (Confirm)
This is a required DB2 field.
Confirm the password entered.
Default Tablespace
Enter metadata.
Content Tablespace
Enter content.
- Click Test Connection to verify your setup.
This action does not populate the database but tests that a connection to the server is available. If the connection fails, confirm the hostname, database name, and database administrator username and password.
- Click Next.
- Select No to not configure Collaboration to use a proxy server.
If you are using a proxy server to allow this server access to external resources (for example, the Internet or a LAN), you must select Yes and complete the proxy information, Hostname and Port.
- Click Next.
- Select Yes to indicate that the Search Server has been pre-installed.
- Click Next.
- Select the CommonApache Solr radio button.
- Click Next.
- Complete the following fields:
Search Host
This is a required field.
Enter the full DNS name for the server.
Search Port
This is a required field.
Note: The default is 8983.
Solr Web Application Name
Enter the Solr instance name you entered in Installing the Search Server.
Example: solr.
Shared Streaming Directory
Enter the name of the shared streaming directory.
Example: C:\Vignette\Collaboration\search\temp
- Click Next.
- Select I will configure Tempo Social later.
- Click Next.
- Review and verify that all data displayed is correct.
- Click Next.
The installation may take several minutes.
- Click Finish.
The Server installation is only available in English.
- If using Oracle 12c or DB2 10.5, refer to the section Installing or Upgrading the Collaboration Database for Oracle 12c or DB2 10.5.
- Click Next.
- Enter the Company Name and Product Key.
- Click Next.
- Perform one of the following options:
- Complete the following fields for Microsoft SQL Server:
Database Server Hostname
Enter the SQL Server hostname.
User Name
This is a required field.
This is the Database user account.
The database username must be unique and must not yet exist on the server because the installer will create this new account.
Make note of this ID. You will need it for future upgrades.
This is a required field.
Enter a password for the new account.
The password is case-sensitive. An alphanumeric combination is recommended and must meet your domain password policies.
Global Database Name (service name)
Enter the name of the Glossary database created in Creating Microsoft SQL Server Databases, or the name of the existing Glossary database to which you are connecting.
The database name must be unique. Semicolons are not permissible.
Enter the port to be used by the SQL Server.
Example: 1433
- Click Next.
- If prompted, complete the following fields:
This screen will display only if the username and/or schema does not exist. This will allow you to provide system administrator level credentials for the install to use when creating the user/schema.
- Click Next.
- Confirm the following settings:
External server DNS hostname
Confirm the name of the Server location.
HTTP port used by the Collaboration server
Confirm the Collaboration Server HTTP Port specified in Step 16.
Example: 8080
STMP Server (relay) hostname
Confirm the name of the mail server address.
IIS port to be used by the application's website
Confirm the port number.
Example: 80
- Click Next.
The installer requires the Collaboration credentials in order to fix an issue with the Open Text Collaboration database when using Microsoft SQL. These credentials will be used only to update the Collaboration database and will not be saved or user later.
- Provide the Collaboration Database Authentication Password entered earlier for the Collaboration Server HTTP Port.
- Click Next.
- Go to the step to install.
- Complete the following fields for Oracle:
Database Server Hostname
Enter the Oracle server hostname.
User Name
This is a required field.
This is the Database user account.
The database username must be unique and must not yet exist on the server because the installer will create this new account.
Make note of this ID. You will need it for future upgrades.
Enter a password for the new account. The password is case-sensitive. An alphanumeric combination is recommended and must meet your domain password policies.
Global Database Name (service name)
Enter the name of the Glossary database created in Creating Oracle Databases, or the name of the existing Glossary database to which you are connecting.
The database name must be unique. Semicolons are not permissible.
Enter the port to be used by Oracle.
Example: 1521
- Click Next.
- If prompted, complete the following fields:
This screen will display only if the username and/or schema does not exist. Enter the system administrator credentials for the install to use when creating the user/schema.
User Name
Enter the Oracle DBA Account.
Enter the Oracle DBA Account password.
- Click Next.
- Confirm the following settings:
External server DNS hostname
Confirm the name of the Server location.
HTTP port used by the Collaboration server
Confirm the port number.
Example: 8080
STMP Server (relay) hostname
Confirm the name of the mail server address.
IIS port to be used by the application's website
Confirm the port number.
Example: 80
- Go to the step to install.
- Complete the following fields for IBM DB2:
Database Server Hostname
Enter the IBM DB2 server hostname.
User Name
This is a required field.
This is from the Database user account you created in Creating IBM DB2 Databases.
Make note of this ID. You will need it for future upgrades.
This is a required field.
Enter the DB2 password for the new account.
The password is case-sensitive.
Global Database Name
Enter the name of the Glossary database you created in Creating IBM DB2 Databases, or the name of the existing Glossary database to which you are connecting.
Enter the port number for the DB2 server.
Example: 50000
- Click Next.
- Enter the Collaboration password, if prompted.
- Confirm the following settings:
External server DNS hostname
Confirm the name of the Server location.
HTTP port used by the Collaboration server
Confirm the Collaboration Server HTTP Port specified in a previous step.
Example: 8080
STMP Server (relay) hostname
Confirm the name of the mail server address.
IIS port to be used by the application's website
Confirm the port number.
Example: 80
- Click Next.
- Click Install.
This process may take several minutes.
- Optionally, select Show the Windows Installer log to view the installation log.
- Ensure the Register with SAP SLD checkbox is not checked.
If you are required to register with SAP SLD, select the Register with SAP SLD checkbox. The SAP SLD installer will launch. Complete the proper fields and follow the prompts to complete the registration. After you have successfully registered with the SLD server, you will be returned to the installation process.
- Click Finish.
Testing the Vignette Installation
- Select .
- Locate the Collaboration service and verify it is Started and the startup type is Automatic.
If startup type is not automatic, double-click on the Collaboration service and set the Startup type to Automatic. If service is not started, select Collaboration and click Start the service.
- After successfully starting the service, browse to the Log Directory at [Install Location]\Collaboration\log.
- Ensure the CollabConsole.txt file exists in the folder.
As this is the first time the service has been started, the CollabConsole.txt file might not yet exist. Wait several minutes for the file to be generated.
- Double-click the CollabConsole.txt file and check for any errors.
- To confirm the installation, enter http://[CollabServerName]:[Collaboration port number]/ in a web browser.
Default Collaboration port is normally 8080. Do not log in.
- Verify the Collaboration web interface displays.
- Close the browser window.