- Install and configure the database server.
The documentation provided with the IBM DB2 provides instructions on installing IBM DB2 Enterprise and Workgroup editions. When you install and configure the database server, you can create two blank databases: one for Collaboration and one for uPerform, or install onto one database using two schemas.
Perform one of the following two options to create the databases:
- Create two blank databases – one for Collaboration and one for uPerform.
- Create one blank database with two schemas – one for Collaboration and one for uPerform.
Account and Database Information for IBM DB2
Two accounts are needed for the uPerform databases and are described in the following table. These accounts must be created manually before running the installer.
Create the Collaboration User Account and Database User Account in accordance with the descriptions in the following table.
Account Information
Collaboration User Account
The following authorities/privileges should be assigned to the Collaboration User Account for the Collaboration database:
Connect to database
Create tables
Create packages
Access to the load utility
Although the application is multi-user, during normal operation it uses one IBM DB2 account called the Collaboration User Account to communicate with the Collaboration database. The account is created by your DB2 DBA. The application maintains all information about its users and access policies internally and does not rely on DB2 for managing individual user accounts. The Collaboration User Account is created during the pre-installation database creation process, and your DB2 DBA chooses the user name and password. All Collaboration database tables and indexes used are owned by this account.
Database User Account
The following Authorities/privileges should be assigned to the Database User Account for the database:
Connect to database
Create tables
Create packages
Access to the load utility
CONTROL privilege to all tables in the database (This should happen automatically when the tables are created by the Database Account user).
Although the application is multi-user, during normal operation it uses one IBM DB2 account to communicate with the database. The account is created by your DB2 DBA. The application maintains all information about its users and access policies internally and does not rely on DB2 for managing individual user accounts. The Database User Account is created during the pre-installation database creation process, and your DB2 DBA chooses the user name and password. All database tables and indexes used are owned by this account.
Confirm Database Information for IBM DB2 Databases
- Verify the following database properties before proceeding.
Database Information
Operating System Security
Ensure that Operating System Security is enabled in IBM DB2.
Character Sets
Requires that you use the UTF-8 database character set in order to localize your environment to support languages with characters beyond the basic Latin alphabet.
Database Setup
Ensure that the databases are configured with the following settings:
Tablespace page size of 16KB for the Collaboration database, 32KB for the uPerform database.
Collating Sequence of System for the Collaboration database, Identity for the uPerform database.
Code set of UTF-8.
Table Spaces
Create metadata and content tablespaces in the Collaboration database. The tablespaces should be configured with the following settings:
Tablespace type of Large with page size of 4KB (for content tablespace) and Regular with page size of 16KB (for metadata tablespace).
A buffer pool should be created for the content tablespace with page size of 4KB. The metadata table space can use the default buffer pool.
Space management system of Database-managed Space (DMS) should be used for both tablespaces. Alternatively, Automatic storage can be selected for the tablespaces.
Initial container sizes should be 500MB for each tablespace.
NOTE: If storage is to be manually managed for the DMS tablespaces, additional containers must be created/allocated as the database grows.
On the content and metadata tablespaces the Collaboration user must be granted Yes privileges.