The three-server environment is the recommended environment to robustly support all operations and ensure flexibility for future expansion. However, in certain scenarios, a two-server implementation may be viable. The decision to implement a two-server environment vs. a three-server environment is based on the total possible concurrency level of end users. You should plan on supporting at least 10% of your total concurrent users, which includes administrators, authors, and end users. Based on this calculation, the following guidance is provided:
- If you must support 500 or more concurrent users, the three-server environment is recommended for optimal performance.
- If you must support 1-499 concurrent users, the two-server environment can be configured.
In addition to the number of concurrent users, there are a number of technical variables to consider when evaluating your server landscape. These include, but are not limited to:
- Geographic distribution of your end users
- Network connection types (e.g., T1, T2, T3 WAN, or High-Speed LAN) between end users and the application, search, and database servers
- Network connection types (e.g., T1, T2, T3 WAN, or High-Speed LAN) between the application server and the database server
- Technical capability of the servers (e.g., number and types of CPUs, amount of RAM, etc.)
- Total estimated concurrency loading of the application, search, and database servers
- Total number of documents, simulations, courses, and managed documents to be stored
In addition, uPerform can be deployed in:
- A virtual environment
- A secured environment using an SSL certificate
- A 64-bit Windows server OS running as a 32-bit application
- Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle or DB2 should be installed on a dedicated server.
When installing on a 64-bit server, the Collaboration component is installed as a 64-bit application.
The following diagrams demonstrate how the Server works in a two-server and three-server environment: