div#courseImage to set the image URL for the course icon.
div#menuHereImage to set the image URL for the menu here icon.
div#menuVisitedImage to set the image URL for the menu visited icon.
div#menuMinusImage to set the image URL for the menu minus icon.
div#menuPlusImage to set the image URL for the menu plus icon.
div#menuAssessmentImage to set the image URL for the menu assessment icon.
div#assessmentPassedImage to set the image URL for the assessment passed icon.
div#postAssessmentPassedImage to set the image URL for the post assessment passed icon.
div#postAssessmentImage to set the image URL for the post assessment icon.
div#menuBranchImage to set the image URL for the menu branch icon.
div#menuBranchChoiceImage to set the image URL for the menu branch choice icon.
div#branchConnectorImage to set the image URL for the branch connector icon.
div#singleBranchImage to set the image URL for the single branch icon.
div#extendBranchImage to set the image URL for the extend branch icon.