You can use the Tell Others feature to send an email containing a link to a particular object within the Server. A Tell Others link can be sent to one or more uPerform users.
The email message you send is customizable and contains a link to the item of interest to provide quick and easy access.
- Click the Projects button.
- Click on the project name.
- Go to the document cover page in the Server workspace.
The document cover page for uPerform content is located within the Translations area of the binder.
- Click Tell Others on the left menu.
- Complete the following information:
Enter one or more recipient email addresses.
If you specify multiple email addresses, separate each with a comma.
To specify users from the uPerform address book, click Users.
Copy yourself on message (your email)
Select this option to copy yourself on the message.
As desired, modify the default email subject text.
Message Content
As desired, provide additional text to the email body.
- Click OK.