Maximum major versions to store
Enter the number of major versions to store on the Server. The number must be greater than 0.
By limiting the number of major document versions that are stored per project, you can ensure your authors have access to current versions by eliminating any outdated versions. Major versions are designated by a 0 in the first decimal place of a version indicator (for example, 4.0).
Remove additional versions now
Select this option to remove excess major versions.
By removing additional versions, you can save space on the database server by removing unnecessary content.
This option is only available if Maximum major versions to store is greater than 0.
This function permanently deletes non-inclusive versions from the database server.
Allow all authors to delete content
Select this option to allow all authors to delete content in this project.
Allow owners to delete content
Select this option to allow only content owners to delete content in this project.
Allow Authors to Assign Website Context
Select this option to allow authors to assign website context for the documents in this project.
Enable Anonymous Access
Select this option to enable anonymous access for the project.
By setting anonymous access on a project, end users will not be required to login to the application website when requesting Context-Sensitive Help. When anonymous access is enabled, the anonymous user and the All Users group will be added to the End User role.
NOTE: If this option is not available, contact the system administrator.
Enable Assessment Score Tracking
Select this option to enable assessment score tracking for the project.
Assessment scores are tracked for courses and simulations with templates that have SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004 packaging enabled. For more information, refer to Specifying New Template Settings: Publications.
Enable review mode for published output that has been completed successfully
Select this option to enable review mode for published output.
Review mode stops the Server from recording any additional attempts by the user once a course or simulation is completed successfully or the assessment is passed. Bookmarking data for courses and simulations that are launched again, will continue to be stored in the database.
Enable Group-Based Filtering
Select this option to enable group-based filtering for the project.
By providing optional group-based filtering to a project, you can identify the content to which end users will have access. For more information, refer to Creating and Managing Groups.
Limit content editing to administrators and owners
Select this option to restrict check in, check out, delete, and rollback functionality to the content owner or administrator for content assigned to them.