Starting a Spellcheck
- Create or open a file.
- Select
To apply changes to the entire file, allow spellcheck to complete the entire spellcheck task.
Specifying Spellcheck Options
- Create or open a file.
- Select
- Choose one of the following options:
If You Want To
Allow the spellchecker to suggest corrections
Select Always suggest corrections.
Enable the spellchecker to suggest from main dictionaries only
Select Suggest from main dictionaries only.
Ignore words in uppercase
Select Ignore words in UPPERCASE.
Ignore words with numbers
Select Ignore words with numbers.
Ignore Internet and file addresses
Select Ignore internet and file addresses.
- Optionally, under Main Dictionaries, click Add to select a dictionary.
When working with multiple languages, you can add a main dictionary in another language so you will have the ability to spellcheck in multiple languages. When you click the Add button, you will need to browse to where the application's dictionaries are located. The default location is: C:\Program Files (x86)\[applicationdirectory]\Client\data\spellcheck. You will have to add your additional language dictionaries in this location in order to select them from the Spellcheck options.
- Optionally, under Custom Dictionaries, perform one of the following:
When you use the spellcheck, it compares the words in your document with those in the main dictionary. The main dictionary contains most common words, but it might not include proper names, technical terms, or acronyms that you use. In addition, some words might be capitalized differently in the main dictionary than what you want in your document. Adding such words or capitalization to a custom dictionary prevents the spellcheck from flagging them as misspelled words.
If You Want To
Change the default
- Click on the dictionary you want to specify as the default. You have to select a custom dictionary that is not the default or else the Change Default button will not activate.
- Click Change Default.
Create a new custom dictionary
- Click New....
- Browse to the location of the existing dictionary.
- Name the file.
- Click Save.
NOTE: To add words to a dictionary during spellcheck, you must create a custom dictionary from the default dictionary. You cannot add words to the default dictionary.
Add an existing dictionary
Click Add... to specify a dictionary.
Edit an existing dictionary
- Click on the dictionary in the list box.
- Click Edit to edit the dictionary.
Remove a custom dictionary
- Click on the dictionary in the list box.
- Click Remove to remove the dictionary.
- Click OK.