When you first record a Java application, the Recorder will detect if Java Access Bridge (JAB) has been configured appropriately for the Java application being recorded. If the application detects that JAB has not configured properly, a message appears advising that JAB needs to be configured for the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
The warning message will display the Java Runtime Environment that needs configured for the application you are recording. You may want to make note of this file in case multiple files display during the configuration process.
- Browse to the application's installation folder.
The default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\[applicationdirectory]\ or C:\Program Files\[applicationdirectory].
- Locate and double-click the jinitcfg.exe file.
- Click Next.
- Select the Java Runtime Environment used to run the Java application and the corresponding JAB version.
If the JRE path you need to configure is not listed, you may also manually locate the JRE (if it is in a self-contained application) by clicking Browse.
- Select Always replace existing files.
- Click Next.
- Click Next.
- Click Finish after the configuration is complete.
- Start the recording process again.
Enabling Java Access Bridge using Jabswitch During Recording without Administrator Permission
Beginning with version 5.4, JRE 1.7_06 is shipped with JRE and provides the jabswitch tool to enable and disable Java Access Bridge (JAB). Jabswitch allows an author in certain circumstances to enable or disable JAB without administrator permission. The Jabswitch process only works with JRE 17.06 or higher. When you first record a Java application, the Recorder will detect if JAB has not been properly configured. The steps below outline the process for enabling JAB.
- Click Yes to stop the recording to configure JAB.
If you click No, recording will resume but the next action on the Java application will be captured incorrectly. The message asking the user to stop recording and configure JAB will not appear again unless the user stops the recording and re-creates it.
The Recorder stops. The document and all the steps recorded open in the Editor. After the JAB has been enabled, a message displays all the Java applications running when you clicked Yes.
- Click OK.
- Close all of the open Java applications manually.
- Click OK.
- Perform one of the following:
The application is currently run as an administrator or if the current user is in an administrator group
JAB will update automatically in the background. Continue editing or recording.
The current user is in an administrator group, but the User Account Control setting is set to "Default" or "Always notify"
Click Yes to the User Account Control message so the application can make changes to your PC.
NOTE: If you click No, recording will resume but the next action on the Java application will be captured incorrectly. The message asking the user to stop recording and configure JAB will not appear again unless the user stops the recording and re-creates it.
NOTE: After the changes are made, you can continue editing.
The current user is not in an administrator group
- Enter the administrator password in the User Account Control window.
- Click Yes.
NOTE: If you click No, recording will resume but the next action on the Java application will be captured incorrectly. The message asking the user to stop recording and configure JAB will not appear again unless the user stops the recording and re-creates it.